Frequently Asked Questions
What are the next steps following submission of my child’s online application?
You will be contacted by members of our admissions team within one to two business days to discuss the admissions process and schedule placement testing (K-12 applicants). Admissions will also begin to request records from your child’s current school.
How long does it take to receive a decision on my child’s application?
Administrators review an applicant’s information once a file is complete. The time it takes for a file to be complete is dependent on: receipt of academic records and recommendations; completed placement test and any additional information administrators may request. Generally it takes two to five business days for administrators to review a completed file and notify admissions of a decision. Our admissions office will contact parents/guardians at least once a week to keep you informed of the status of your child’s application. Families can also track missing items using the online application checklist which will be updated as items are completed.
Are parents/guardians given placement test scores?
Your child’s test scores are part of FCA’s internal documents that provide meaningful information only to administrators in assessing class placement. Parents/guardians will be advised if there are academic concerns.
How will I be notified about the decision on my child’s application?
Families will usually receive a phone call advising you of the decision. If the decision is to accept, parents/guardians will also receive an offer of enrollment email. Families will have 5 business days to accept the offer by completing the online enrollment process.
Is Foundation accredited?
Yes! We are accredited by Cognia and the National Christian School Association.
Do you test students and what emphasis do you place on testing?
We recognize the limitations of standardized testing as a measurement of learning, however it does serve a purpose. Beginning in first grade, our students take the M.A.P test (Measure of Academic Progress). We do not place the same emphasis that many educators, politicians, policymakers, business leaders, and the media are currently placing on national standards and standardized testing, and yet as a whole, our students perform very well.
Do you use Common Core?
Yes and no. We are using what we find essential and eliminating what is not. For example, we are teaching traditional math. We still teach math facts. We still practice the multiplication tables. We teach cursive writing toward the end of 2nd grade and we have spelling tests.
What is the average class size?
14-18 students
What curriculum do you use?
It varies from subject to subject. When you come for a tour, we’ll familiarize you with our curricula.
Please jot down any additional questions and we will happily answer them during your tour.
Notice: Parentally placed private school students with a disability do not have an individual right to receive some or all of the special education and related services that a student would receive if enrolled in a public school under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).