Thank you for your interest in Foundation Christian Academy! We are committed to providing quality academic and social opportunities in a Christian environment. The curricular resources utilized encourage our students to be critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and collaborative learners. Technology is integrated across all grade levels and content areas. Our students are taught bible in addition to reading, writing, handwriting, spelling, grammar, math, science and social studies. We find music, art, physical education classes and even recess to be essential in developing the whole child. Our small class sizes help us place a strong focus on positive student/teacher interactions. The dedicated faculty, staff and volunteers actively engage and motivate each child to be successful. We are dedicated to providing a strong foundation that will help all students reach their academic and creative potential while developing a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
Wishing you the very best in your search for just the right academic setting,
Sherri Smith, Preschool and Elementary Principal
Houghton – Mifflin/Daily 5 Reading Program
The teaching of reading begins with the child; the child’s language, the child’s own experiences, and the child’s world. The classroom teacher provides experiences that allow each child to build upon an everlasting body of knowledge and ability. Teachers intentionally present integration of Christian values allowing students to examine biblical parallels. Vocabulary is taught through definition, context and concept associations. Decoding leads our young readers to use phonics supported by context to gain control over the reading process. Through this process, young readers move beyond the mechanics and onto understanding and loving literature while considering how their own Christian values relate to the storyline.
Math-Christian Light Education-Grades 1st-5th
FCA seeks to relate math to everyday life in God’s World. CLE Sunrise Math curriculum introduces concepts in progressive steps allowing the student to master each increment of a skill before advancing to the next step. Students retain through consistent, systematic, and continuous review. Sunshine Math is an additional supplement providing an extra challenge to students who are motivated and self-directed learners. However, any student regardless of academic performance, should be encouraged to participate as long as interest and enthusiasm for problem solving are present.
Math Their Way-Kindergarten
Students learn problem solving strategies and skills using manipulatives and engaging activities. Problems in real-life contexts make the importance of math clear to every learner.
Christian Science and Social Studies
Christian texts and publications are used as resources for teaching themed units in Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, My Community, My Country, My World, and My Body from a Christian perspective.
Handwriting Without Tears
Developed by a team of occupational therapists and educators, this handwriting instruction adheres to developmentally appropriate principles and methods to ensure success.
Daily bible lessons and prayer, weekly chapel and memory verses, as well as songs of praise and scripture readings are an integral part of the curriculum at F.C.A.
Physical Education-Christian Schools International
Creative movement activities focus on building strength, endurance, and flexibility, while developing Godly character. Units on team sports emphasize rules, strategies, teamwork, and sportsmanship, and Godly character. A focus on health fitness encourages students to remain physically active for life respecting their earthly body. PE classes meet twice a week with a less structured recess scheduled on the other three days.
Music In Our World-McGraw-Hill
We seek to teach students to appreciate the beauty of the gift of music. Music classes offer a wealth of songs, listening sections, movements, instrumental parts and other activities using text books and teacher strategies in a student-engaging format.
Students are given opportunity to communicate their ideas and feelings using a variety of medium. While creating works of art with a sense of purpose, technical skill improves. Deeper involvement and experience with the discipline aids awareness of life and values human frailties.